Palabra [Version 2.0]
An application not only for foreign languages learning support.
The best when you work at the computer and you would like in the meantime
to learn new words efficiently, then you are in the right place.
Palabra will be asking you subsequently from a desired topic
and choose best repetition schema depending on your current knowledge level.
You won't have be worried about anything, just load a lesson and setup
Palabra to run at the system startup. Then it will automatically
start questioning you after certain (defined by you) amount of time.
You will decide when to make a break. And questions to be asked can
be edited easily at any time. You have for your disposal a very efficient
but still easy to use lesson editor, which allow you to create and edit lessons
in no time. If you already have some lessons prepared by you prior to finding
Palabra, for example in Excel format, then you can it import and convert
to Palabra lesson format with no problem.
Palabra features:
- multiple lessons management,
- efficient and easy to use lesson editor,
- ergonomic pop-up window for questioning,
- intelligent repetition system maximizing learning efficiency,
- smart popup timing algorithm to minimize annoyance,
- possibility to import and export from and to Excel,
- multilanguage user interface,
- possibility to add own user interface versions,
- lessons stored in XML format,
- convinient install program,
- cooperation with portable memory storages
If you want to know more about licensing Palabra for commercial use, please, proceed to